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First Task in College


Hello, my name is Andika Jati Nugroho. I am eighteen years old, and I’m from Semarang. I study at Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University. Today, I had my first lesson of English Class. My teacher is Mrs. Bening Parwitasukci. She told us to do homework by Facebook, then.

Here it is my task.

It is about how I felt when speaking English for the first time with my new classmates. Okay. At first, I am from Semarang, there is no my friends a lot here [just one]. It looks like I’m alone. So, I have to find my new friends, I thought. I always set my face to be nice everyday, hehe. Probably, that makes sense for me to get new friends. Then, when I got English lesson today. I set my face. This was my first time at this subject, English. I felt so happy. I love English. I love study about English, either about language or culture. Actually, Mrs. Bening told the rules about always using English inside her classroom. I know, that policy makes students be brave to speak well in English. I tried to use English today. It wasn't my first time, but it was my first time to speak English with my new classmates. I’m not that good to speak English. But, It’s a must. It’s her rules. Today, we had to interview others about something special about them. We were divided into 8 groups. There are 3 persons in one group. Besides me, there are Abigail [am I right to spell her name?] and a boy [I forgot his name]. Mrs. Bening forced us to be brave at using English. We discussed about someone special in the room. Asked about hobbies, motto, and others. Me, Abigail, and a boy had three special persons. Abigail chose Nico, a boy chose Hans, and I chose Dito. Then, after we discussed in any longer, we decided to choose Dito. We had to explain about someone we chose in front of the class. We told about Dito, why we chose him or what’s specialty on him. He’s older than us, more experiences. That’s the reason why I chose him. By the way, it was my first time to speak in front of the class. I didn’t speak English fluently. While, Abigail was pretty good at English, I guessed. But, I didn't really care about it at that time.

My problems I got in speaking are about understanding and saying. Sometimes, I know what I have to speak when I am thinking, but I don't know how to translate that sentence in English. Or, sometimes, I know what people meant when they were speaking in English. But, I could not response it at all, cause I don't know how to arrange vocabulary into sentence in English. I am here to learn about English. So, I don't really care whether I’m right or not. My motto is: “At first, we have to move forward, forget about the result or final score, just enjoy the process, hehe.”

Of course, I made mistakes in grammar and pronunciation. But, back to the rules of the class, we have to be brave about speak in English, forget about grammar. Grammar can go to hell. We will learn by doing. The more we speak in English, the more we get better. I said that I made mistakes, because my friends seemed to be confused when I was speaking in English. They were just speechless. Neither said something or understood about my words. I didn't know. So, I thought, because I made mistakes.

Last question is about what I feel about my English. Today was a good lesson. We tried. We learnt. We made mistakes. We tried again. I am happy. I could say something in English. I could express my ability in English. Even though, I’m still not good enough to speak in English. But, at least I’m not regret to try. Day by day, I’m going to improve my English. To always be good. I believe, no pain no gain. Something beautiful will come to us, if we struggle to try. Let’s be the smartest guy in the room, then.

Thank you.




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