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The Best Job in The World


The Most Wanted Jobs in The World
Hello. See me again. I got my assignment, about “The Most Wanted Jobs in The World”. Mrs. Bening told us to write about what jobs we prefer. While, based on my three top aspects, which are important for me. They are money, working hours, and working conditions. My opinion about my best job in the world is adventurer. Why I chose it? Please read my answer below.
Here it is my answer.
Why did I choose money? We need money to buy things. Without things, we are nothing. Then, I thought that money is very important. Others will not respect us if we don't have money. Shout me that I am hypocrite if I say that I don't need money. We live in an era that everything could be bought by money. Don't be so bitching. Life is hard. With money, we could buy anything we want. Example: we loved someone, she told you that she wants a pair of shoes, then, you would to buy her of course. What will happen if we don't have money? We couldn't make someone be happy of us. By adventurer, we will get much money. Just a few people who want to be an adventurer. It needs a big bravery. A company like National Geographic will pay us much money to work with them, to browse around a jungle. It’s just an example. Maybe, it’s just one example. But, it’s so reasonable. A company will pay higher if only a few people want to do it.
Second is about working hours. In Adventurer, there are no working hours. I want a job that doesn't set with boring working hours. Adventurer doesn't. It is free from working hours. It could be morning, afternoon, or evening. It is just like a freelance job. We can work with what time we prefer. As an example: I like morning, I can go work to jungle in morning, and then I can see the beautiful scenery from God. Or, if I don't like to do something at that time, I can reschedule my job. Adventurer is flexible. They are just like journalism. Adventurers have more free hours than employees. How can you enjoy if you don't like the set of working hours. I think so.
Last is about working conditions. Adventurer needs a good condition obviously. But, it will work with nature. We could see God’s grace by working to be an adventurer. We could see mountain, jungle, waterfall, and others. A condition like that will improve our knowledge, our desire, to work better and efficient. We will do the best we can do because of that condition. It makes a spirit for us if we work with a beautiful condition in its surrounding. Even though, adventurers maybe don't work with many people just like an organization of a company, I will like it. We can work naturally. Adapted with nature, not only socialize with other people.
Okay, that is all my answer. Please, comment if I get wrong. Or you don't understand my words. You can read my reason why I chose adventurer. Please read. Thanks for your attention.
Thank you.



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