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A Bicentennial Man


A Bicentennial Man
A Bicentennial Man is title of a movie. I watched that movie before; it’s about human and robot. It’s about how hard robot struggled to be like human. It’s about love between human and robot. We better watch it to learn something.
There was a family. They bought a robot from company. That robot was the new generation in that era. That family (especially a father and a little daughter) very loved that robot. Then, a father (Sir Martin) named that robot Andrew. Andrew served a family very well. He cooked, he accompanied the a little child (Amanda), and Andrew did everything. One day, Andrew broke a toy. Because Amanda cried, Andrew made a toy by himself. From that moment, Andrew loved made something, it was like sculpture. Andrew got money from that work. Sir Martin promised to teach Andrew about learning something, and then they did.
Many years later, the situation changed. The family grew older. And there was something between Andrew and Amanda. It felt like there was a feeling between them. A child told Andrew that she would get married. Then, Andrew felt something wrong about himself. Then, he thought that he wanted to free. He wanted a freedom. He wanted to be free from deserving inside a family. In the morning, Andrew told Sir Martin about his request. He gave his money from working to Sir Martin and as a freedom. At first, Sir Martin refused and told that Andrew had already free. Sir Martin got angry to him, and he gave back money to Andrew. But, that wasn't what Andrew expected. Amanda didn't tell anything, she felt like she wanted the best for Andrew. Andrew tried again; he wanted to ask about freedom. Then, Sir Martin let him go. But, what Sir Martin thought was different with what Andrew thought about the freedom. Andrew didn't expect to leave the house; he still wanted to deserve. Sir Martin told Andrew to leave the house. Then, he did. Sir Martin felt sad and angry at that time. He told to Andrew to do whatever Andrew wanted to. Andrew was free from command.
While, I will talk about Andrew. Andrew liked to talk about freedom, he liked read history about war that made million people died that caused by one thing of idea: freedom that meant so much for many people. Andrew thought that it would be nice if there were more robots like him in the world. That idea happened because Andrew grew and learnt. Then, Andrew lived alone near the beach. Actually, Sir Martin and Amanda were obviously sad. But, they wanted the best for Andrew. Andrew was like family. He had chance to do what he wanted to do.
I think that's enough about my explanation. The idea is from learning. We have to learn to think about new idea. A new idea, that brings people to be better. Don't stop learning. If you want to know further about the movie, watch it then.
Thank you.



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