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It's not Only About Reading

The growth of information and technology has changed the human's pattern in doing their daily activities. A well-know tagline about "Budayakan Membaca" has not suitable anymore. Today, we have internet; YouTube, Podcast, more Forum Group Discussion, etc. At this era, any information we have/ want to know does not only came from a book. 

Somehow, for me, internet is more reliable than books. I used to be like that. When I could not do my thesis, I find the answer from YouTube; see the steps. I don't use conventional books anymore. Even, I don't read. But, I watch, from YouTube. Internet, obviously has changed the way I find a new information.

Agree with Cania.
My point is, I think we can't blame anyone who's not interested at reading. Maybe, reading in this era is not a popular thing. People prefer watching to reading. The most important for me is, the way we gather more information. We can't find information only from reading anymore. We can watch a visual information from YouTube, listen to a Podcast, or participate in group discussion for any particular topics we like. Maybe, "Budayakan Membaca" is old-fashioned.

One day, a friend of mine asked me about writing a blog. I did not support him. Writing a blog is not popular now. Maybe, he should try YouTube. Watching is more popular than reading. Maybe, we should not questioned only about how much competencies people at reading anymore. The questioned should be beyond that. It should be about the way people at gathering new information. It is about the competencies of people for knowing their particular needs at using any platform/ media to get new information, it is the most important thing, for me.


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